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Not Legal Advice

I am not a lawyer, and nothing on this web site should be taken as legal advice. Any information that I offer here is provided under the assumption that it will be used to better inform you when you consult with a trained legal professional (which you should do). If you find the information here to be helpful, check with your paralegal to make sure that the information is accurate and that you have understood the context of the information properly.

Purpose Of This Site

The purpose of this web site is to provide news and information to tenants of 250 Frederick St. and the surrounding community about what's going on inside this building. Since the new owner of this building has taken over, there have been numerous important changes. So many, that is has become difficult to keep track of them all.

Rights Of The Landlord

The landlord of 250 Frederick St. has the right to engage in ordinary business activity, free of harassment, slander, libel or interference of any kind in their lawful business activity. If you disagree with the conduct of the landlord, you must pursue enforcement action through the lawful means made available to you by the Landlord and Tenant Board, or in the case of criminal activity, the RCMP. In the event that the landlord makes a mistake, they should be given a reasonable opportunity to correct the mistake, and to receive recognition for making the correction.

Lawful Conduct Of Tenants

I occasionally receive messages from tenants suggesting antisocial behaviour, such as dumping garbage in inappropriate areas, intimidation of staff, or deliberate withholding of rent. I DO NOT condone any of this behaviour, and I encourage you to comply with all previously agreed upon terms in your lease agreements. If you violate the terms of your pre-existing lease agreement or engage in any antisocial behaviour, you are simply providing the landlord with a legally justified reason to evict you faster than they would otherwise. The LTB priorities cases based on urgency, and they will most certainly prioritize evictions for 'problem tenants' over evictions for 'non-urgent building repairs'. You will have no hope of winning an LTB case against you for not paying rent, but you DO have a chance against other types of notices that are issued in bad faith.

Inaccurate Information

If you believe that any of the information posted on this web site is inaccurate or misleading, please Contact me so that I can issue a correction as soon as possible.